Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I just gotta share this...
Although 99% of the others I follow are Mommies. It's nice to get a male perspective now and then that is why I love this guy!
Those of you who know me.. KNOW I can put most sailors, truckers, and just about any foul mouth out there to shame. Although this is not a trait I am proud of as a matter of fact I have been trying so hard to stop the cussing here I think the frustration of it all has actually has me cussing more.. HUH.. go figure.
Some of you may even recall my FB post a while back... you know it's time to stop cussing when you say..Son of a... and then hear B!TC# in stereo! (from your 4 small children! )
But today the guilt has been lifted just a little..Fuck Ya! I mean Thank You....
Check him out when you get the chance.. he'll have you laughing, crying and cussing or is it laughing and crying because you're cussing?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Eleven years ago.. Time may have passed but your memory lives on.

Another year has passed and yet today still brings back all those memories as if it were yesterday...
April 20th, 1999.
Cassie Bernall, 17 - Steven Curnow, 14 - Corey DePooter, 17 - Kelly Fleming, 16 - Matthew Kechter, 16 - Daniel Mauser, 15 - Daniel Rohrbough, 15 - Rachel Scott, 17 - Isaiah Shoels, 18 - John Tomlin, 16 - Lauren Townsend, 18 - and Kyle Velasquez, 16 - and teacher William "Dave" Sanders, 47.
May you all Rest In Peace...
Even now I can not drive by Columbine or my old house and not have those memories return.. those images are forever etched in my mind.
To my family and friends that survived that day.. Know that I am praying for you and thinking about you today and always..
May God bless all of you.
Columbine Rebels!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Has it really been 6 months since my last post? My God where does the time go? All is well here. The kids are doing good. Keeping my busy and on my toes. Although there are days when I would rather just run away to the funny farm. I'm sure it would be ALOT more quiet there.
So Preston is attending college. Devin is enlisting in the Marines. Michael is starting Kindergarden. And Alyssa, Kayla and Joey are no longer babies. They are getting so big it still amazes me that they are going to be THREE already.
With the warmer weather approaching we have lots of plans for the summer. Hopefully a family trip before Devin leaves for boot camp. I will try and post pictures of our adventures as they happen.
It feels good to be back........
Our SPRING storm!
No your eyes are not playing tricks on you.. We had over 2 feet of snow one day and then out on the bikes just couple weeks later!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Coming Soon...
I will post them as soon as I can get my FIL to e-mail them.
I was so sick all day on Halloween I don't even remember much of the day really except for my husband saying.. when are you going to get up?? Never if I keep feeling like this!
Anyway I had to call in reinforcements just in case. So I had my in-laws come over to help with the kids and hopefully get some pictures. I am chomping at the bit waiting to see if I will have to dress all the kids again just so I can hopefully get one keeper.
However despite by illness I did manage to muster up enough strength to go out with the kiddos for a little bit. They were so freakin cute!
Michael had no time to waste waiting for his siblings so he was always a few steps ahead.
Alyssa was the only one out of the trio that I could get to say trick-or treat.
Joey would get so mad if we got to a house and there was no candy left of if no one answered the door. Thank goodness he's only 2 and can't do much damage ;O
Kayla had to inspect every piece of candy she was given and would hold her own little protest on each stoop until she got what or how much she wanted!
As for Preston and Devin well they were off somewhere probably scaring other kids and stealing their candy! Well not really but there were a few bratty kids who would have deserved it!
Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon one way or another.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween.
Monday, October 26, 2009
If only..
The Balloon that was chased across Colorado
Then after it finally landed
This is what they really found inside...
He probably could have got a movie deal out of the whole thing after all ?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What's wrong here?
oh yeah.. Kayla has decided she loves Thomas and therefore "stole" her brothers pajamas.. I will admit Joey sure looks cute in pink.. wait isn't pink the new black anyway?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Rock Creek Farm.. ROCKS!
I absolutely love this time of year...
Not to mention it's pumpkin pickin' time!
We loaded up this kiddos and headed to Rock Creek Farm. It has acres of fields you can walk through and pick your pumpkin right from the vine.
Just make sure to watch your step.
Then you can head on over to the Corn Maze..
This maze is literally miles long, two to three miles depending on which way you go and how lost you get. Needless to say we didn't make it very far at all before Joey decided he had enough.
And if the kids ( actually Mommy and Daddy ) aren't exhausted after that, there is always the petting zoo...
We had some yummy treats too. The carmel apples, pumkin bread and iced pumpkin cookies were gone in seconds!
Last but not least.. the giant bouncy slide. I wasn't able to get any pictures or video because just minutes after getting the kids' shoes off all H-E- double hockey sticks.. broke out.
The bigger kids were running down the smaller ones, kids crying and parents yelling.
Hey, I get enough of this crap at home! And with that we packed up and made a run for it before someone lost a limb or vital organ (and I don't mean the kids).
However, despite all the chaos I am already looking forward to doing it again next year.