Friday, August 28, 2009

Just catching up..

Michael and I finally managed to "escape" from the kiddos for a weekend ( ya I know it was over a month ago). We went to Grand Lake. I absolutely LOVE it there.

Here are just a few pictures...

Here is where we stayed.. ( I guess I could have cropped out the dumpster)

While visiting...

Formed by glaciers, surrounded by Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, Grand Lake is the deepest and largest natural lake in Colorado.

Although I would have been happy spending the entire weekend on the lake...

I did agree to check out the trails.



thanks honey.. I really enjoyed "eating your dust"

( lesson learned.. I will not.. " just follow me " ever again! )

oh, a helmet may have helped too.

I was hoping we would see some Elk or maybe Moose, no such luck, we did however see

a chipmunk,

a squirrel,

Elk tracks.. still no Elk

random wild flowers..

I love this view

We even "found" LOST LAKE..

which apparently wasn't all that lost ( see the guy on the other side )

then back down to civilization and my favorite place for dinner.

This is why I love this place... these are the rapids that run directly behind the restaurant.

OK so the pictures don't quite give you the full effect.. let's try some video..

Well it was fun while it lasted.. I could have stayed another day or two or ten... we do have children at home anxiously waiting our return.. make that my mom anxiously waiting ( before the kids drive her crazy !)

AAHH yes.. the relaxing ride home..

these are a couple of pictures I managed along the way..


and one more before the rain started

this was pretty much it after that..

That's all folks...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a blast! We would have loved the 4-wheelers! Isn't so nice to just get away sometimes!
